HV centrally installed switchgear KYN61

The KYN61-40.5 armored withdrawable AC metal enclosed switchgear is equipped with ZN85-40.5, VB-40.5P (VBP-40.5), VD4 fully insulated vacuum circuit breakers or HD4 SF6 circuit breakers, assembled from aluminum zinc coated steel plates. The coordination accuracy between the handcart and the cabinet is high, making it easy to push and push out, and having strong interchangeability. The KYN61-40.5 armored movable AC metal enclosed switchgear is used in 35kV three-phase AC 50Hz power systems as a distribution room for power plants, substations, and industrial and mining enterprises to receive and distribute electrical energy. It has functions such as control, protection, and monitoring.


Product features

Ø  本产品由柜体和手车两部分组成。柜体为敷铝锌板双重折弯后用螺栓组装而成。按功能特征可分为继电器仪表室、断路器室、电缆室和母线室四部分,各部分以接地的金属隔板分隔。其外壳防护等级为IP4X;断路器室]打开,

Ø  断路器手车处于断开/试验位置时防护等级为IP2X。本开关设备具有电缆进出线、架空进出线、母线联络.隔离、电压互感器、避雷器等一次方案。产品为复合绝缘。

Ø  采用绝缘母线,相间及连接头配有用阻燃材料注塑而成的绝缘套,相邻柜间用母线套管隔开,能有效地防止事故蔓延,电缆室装有电流互感器、接地开关等,宽裕的空间条件便于多根电缆的连接。

Ø  触头盒前装有金属活门,上下活门在手车从断开/试验位置运动到工作位置过程中自动打开,当手车反方向运动时自动关闭,与高压有效隔离。主断路器、手车、接地开关及柜之间的联锁均采用强制性机械闭锁方式,满足“五防”功能要求。

Ø  手车车架中装有手动推进机构,超越离合器。推进机构轻松地手动操作使手车在断开/试验位置和工作位置之间移动,借助丝杆螺母的自锁性可使手车可靠地锁定在工作位置,防止因电动力的作用引起手车窜动。超越离合器在手车移动退至断开/试验位置和推进至工作位置时,使操作轴与丝杆轴自动脱离而空转,可防止误操作而损坏推进机构。